Category Archives: ChatGPT

Use and benefits of quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two or more particles can be correlated in a way that the state of one particle cannot be described independently of the other(s), even if the particles are separated by a … Continue reading

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Pentester and Red Teamer 101

Pentester A penetration tester (also known as a pen tester or ethical hacker) is a cybersecurity professional who is responsible for testing the security of computer systems, networks, and applications. Penetration testers simulate attacks on these systems to identify vulnerabilities, … Continue reading

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How increasing use of technology impact older generations

The proliferation of technology has the potential to both positively and negatively impact the aging population and their ability to manage complex technology. On the positive side, technology can help older individuals stay connected with friends and family, access important … Continue reading

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Will technology make Banknotes, passports and ID systems obsolete

It is likely that technology will continue to play an increasingly important role in our financial and identification systems in the future. The widespread use of digital financial transactions and the increasing use of biometrics and digital identity systems are … Continue reading

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Should a CEO be liable for cybersecurity negligence

The question of whether a CEO should be criminally liable for ignoring cybersecurity is a complex and controversial issue. On one hand, the CEO is ultimately responsible for the overall security of an organization and should take all necessary measures … Continue reading

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Formula used by phone scammers

The formula: “Phonecall + Asking for Money = Scam” is generally true. Many scams involve a caller who makes unsolicited calls or sends unsolicited messages, and then asks the recipient to send money or provide personal information. Common types of … Continue reading

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About digital currencies and bitcoins

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that is based on a peer-to-peer network. It is the first and most well-known example of a cryptocurrency, a type of digital or virtual currency that uses encryption techniques to regulate the generation of … Continue reading

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Pros and Cons of Digital Identity

Digital identity can be important for a variety of reasons, as it provides a way to establish and verify the identity of individuals and organizations online. A digital identity can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as … Continue reading

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Insurance companies ransomware root cause

Paying ransom following a cybersecurity attack can have detrimental effect on efforts to fight ransomware attacks and its proliferation. Insurance companies are NOT at the root cause of these attacks, but they are certainly at the ROOT of the solution. … Continue reading

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Pros and Cons of making ransomware payment illegal

When asking artificial intelligence to write a list of Pros and Cons of the legality of ransomware payments, here’s what it came up with. Pros of making paying cyber-ransomware illegal: Discouragement of attackers: Making it illegal to pay ransomware demands … Continue reading

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What is Zero-Trust

Zero-trust is a security model that assumes that all network traffic, both internal and external, is untrusted and must be verified before access is granted. The concept of zero-trust is based on the idea that organizations should not blindly trust … Continue reading

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What’s a Password-Less Environment

A password-less environment refers to a system or platform that eliminates the need for traditional passwords as a means of authentication. In this type of environment, users are authenticated through alternative methods such as biometrics, security keys, or one-time codes … Continue reading

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What is COBIT

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) is a framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT (Information Technology). It was first developed by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) in 1996, and has since been updated … Continue reading

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