Category Archives: Firewalls

Better than Zero-Trust ?

You read this correctly, amputate that source IP at your firewall network connections and dramatically increase your survival of a CyberAttacks, and this, at a fraction of the cost of zero-trust framework. As a professional IT person with +30 years … Continue reading

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Protect your Fortigate with LOCAL-IN policies

One of the biggest mistake made while deploying a Fortigate firewall is focussing strictly on its policies between zones or interfaces. Little do people know, LOCAL-IN policies also need configuration to protect the firewall from exposing remote access to it’s … Continue reading

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Forti-Savings : How to manage Fortigates

Soon after adopting and purchasing Fortinet fortigates firewalls of various sizes and performance, I calculated that after a few years of ownership, and IF you maintained the Support/Subscription on the devices, you can dramatically reduce your cost of ownership by … Continue reading

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