Tag Archives: Risks

Cloud Security: The Risks of Office365 and How To Protect Yourself

Office 365 is one of the most popular and widely-used cloud-based productivity suites in the world. It offers a range of applications and services that help users to create, collaborate, and communicate online. However, as with any cloud-based platform, Office … Continue reading

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Risks of Hiring Overly Smart Individuals in High-Security Environments

In high-security environments, such as those found in government agencies, defense organizations, or cybersecurity firms, the need for top-notch talent is undeniable. However, the notion that hiring extremely intelligent or “spart” individuals will automatically lead to stronger security measures can … Continue reading

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Risks of Lending Your Cellular Phone: Cybersecurity at Stake

In today’s digital age, our smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, holding a wealth of personal information. Occasionally, we may encounter situations where a stranger asks to borrow our cellular phone for making a phone call. While … Continue reading

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