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Category Archives: Stories
CSIS Unveils Groundbreaking Report: ‘The Evolution of Disinformation – A Deepfake Future’
Title: The Evolution of Disinformation: A Deepfake Future << This report is based on the views expressed during, and short papers contributed by speakers at, a workshop organised by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service as part of its Academic Outreach … Continue reading →
Posted in A.I., Articles, Cybersecurity, Security, Stories
Tagged CSIS Unveils Groundbreaking Report, The Evolution of Disinformation - A Deepfake Future
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iPhone Airdrop Prank Lands Man in Jail
In October 2022, Keith Diemer, aged 35, was aboard a flight departing from Dallas. During the course of the flight, he made the ill-advised decision to play a prank on fellow passengers by utilizing Apple’s Airdrop feature to send a … Continue reading →
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Is CyberSecurity for you?
As my internet travels bring me to various cybersecurity forums and chat rooms, I have the opportunity to listen to people’s life stories and how they are trying to do what they were told they should do. What’s wrong with … Continue reading →
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Protect your car against theft using Faraday
L et’s shop for a new vehicle ! This story begins when I stopped at a local Honda dealer to check out their new SUVs. The sales person (Louis) jumped right in, eager to help me buy a vehicle. After … Continue reading →
Companies, mind your phone systems !
I used to work for a private company that had state of the art network security and strict security policies on everything, except their phone system, and this article will discuss the risk of crafty people from syphoning information from … Continue reading →
Starlink: Elon Musk’s legacy
The moment I read about Elon Musk’s Starlink program which would place in orbit over 10,000 satellites in low orbit (500 Km), I though to myself “This is a disaster in search of a bible proportion moment”. Being a licensed … Continue reading →
Wifi Hotspots: Avoid Wireless Traps
Don’t trust that Wifi This story begins with a warning. Wifi hotspots are everywhere, at the donut shop, at the mall, in your neighbourhood. But you should not connect to them and here’s why. The back yard of my home … Continue reading →
Why working remotely works
Business travelling is a waste The company I worked for asked me to go get trained on X-CA and a USB Secure Dongle in Germany. They flew me first class from Canada to Germany, I rented a car and drive … Continue reading →
The unlikely digital camera for spies
In the early 90’s, I was working at a computers reseller as a system engineer. One of our sales rep approach me to test a “Spy Box”. What the heck is a spy box I asked him. Essentially, one of … Continue reading →